Location: Stay N Play Canine Centre
Matches (Obedience & Rally)
Sunday March 22nd, 2020
Saturday April 11th, 2020
Click "Here" to Register!
Click on above date to go to Match booking page
Obedience & Rally Obedience Training Match
Presented By K9IQ Coaching and Consultants
Cancellaions within 24 hours of the match will be charged for your spot as it is very difficult to refill these spots at the last minute as people make other plans and I still have to pay hall rental. Weather cancellations will be notified 24 hours prior.
Thank you
"K9IQ Coach and Trainer"
We look forward to seeing you there. “K9IQ Coaching and Consultants”.
​Your spot is not confirmed unless you receive an email confirmation.
Obedience Practice Ring
Book some practice ring time before or after your run(s) to fix issues
and work in a warm dry area this winter.
Matches can not run without volunteer helpers.
Your help stewarding or judging is greatly appreciated.
Please let me know what time slots you can help with.
In order to pre-book a time slot, please click below on the email envelope, fill in the form
indicate the course name & number, select the time slot(s) you desire and send your e-mail form.
We will confirm your time slot with a follow up e-mail.
Your spot is not confirmed unless you receive an email confirmation.
Rally Practice Ring
Book some practice ring time before or after your run(s) to fix issues
and work in a warm dry area this winter.
Matches can not run without volunteer helpers.
Your help stewarding or judging is greatly appreciated.
Please let me know what time slots you can help with.
In order to pre-book a time slot, please click below on the email envelope, fill in the form
indicate the course name & number, select the time slot(s) you desire and send your e-mail form.
We will confirm your time slot with a follow up e-mail.
Your spot is not confirmed unless you receive an email confirmation.